Did you know that users spend an average of 5.94 seconds looking at a website’s main image? That’s right. The overall image of your page is key to your audience’s navigation experience.
This is one of the many reasons we’ve created the Teaser Image feature, to make sure that this first image communicates effectively and reinforces your identity. In this blog post, I’ll share with you what a Teaser Image is, why it’s a great option for your Promo Page, and when you can strategically use it to benefit your business.
What is a Teaser Image?
For those who aren’t yet familiar with this Feature, the Teaser Image is a custom image that you can add a link to. It enables you to send your audience to your new album, song, podcast, blogpost or any type of content or activity that you would like to communicate.
Why is it a great option for your Promo Page?
1. It gives a Mystery Factor
2. Great to grow CTR
3. Minimalistic Look
4.Focus on one activity
#1 Mystery factor
Mystery is a key factor in growing the engagement of your followers or customers. I mean, come on, who doesn’t love the unknown?! The Teaser Image gives your audience a short introductory advertisement; it can arouse interest and curiosity while at the same time the main message remains cryptic.
#2 Great to grow your CTR
Because it arouses interest and curiosity, it’s more likely that people will click on this image to solve the mystery!
The CTR (Click-Through Rate) is the percentage of impressions that result from a click, and it tells you if people are finding your content or ad to be relevant. The more targeted content you give to your audience the more likely you will increase your CTR.
#3 Minimalistic Look
Your Promo Page is the front door to your business and it’s essential that it looks on point. With the Teaser Image you can achieve a really clean and minimalistic look.
#4 Focus on one activity
With this feature you can present your current action or production with only one link. You can make the page’s focus be one main activity or campaign.
When can you use it?
The Teaser Image is great to use for specific campaigns that have an expiration date, or that are recent but will eventually be replaced by new content suchs as discount codes, sales, latest video/album/song, podcasts or blog posts. You’ve got lots of options!
Tip: For an aesthetically pleasing page, export your image in PNG format (transparent background).
Still don’t know how to take the most out of this Feature? Here are some ideas...
If you are a musician, band or artist:
Share your latest album, single or book tour.

If you are a brand or an organization:
Drive your consumers to specific marketing campaigns such as discount codes, sales or special offers.

If you are an influencer/blogger:
Share discount codes with your followers, invite them to read your latest blog post or steer them to a giveaway to generate more traffic.