Onescreener FAQ

How to change title, categories and description of my Onescreener for SEO

May 21, 2021
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Change the title

Log into your Onescreener. Tap on the Menu, go to Page Settings, and add your title.

Note: Even if you are using a logo you should add a site title, so the text may be indexed by search engines. We recommend you keep the title under 60 characters and include one or more key words

Change the categories

Log into your Onescreener. Tap on the Menu, go to Page Settings, and tap the categories which best describe your Onescreener.

Change the description

Log into your Onescreener. Tap on the Menu, go to Page Settings, and add a description.

Note: Add a short (50-300 characters), relevant and readable description of your site to your SEO site description. This text may appear below your site title in search results, depending on what your visitors search for.